24 November, 2007
Download MP3 music, movies, sports, TV shows
Dibetes breakthrough - Cure diabetes naturally
He says that
Dear friend,
Are you sick and tired of...
Constantly having to monitor what you eat, and not being able to enjoy a normal meal or night out with your friends?
Having to bring along your own “special” meal to parties and gatherings?
Taking four or more injections a day every day of your life, until no part of you is left un-bruised?
Living with the fear that one day, chances are you will experience neurological challenges, cardiovascular problems, high blood pressure, kidney problems, liver failure, eyesight challenges, impotence, amputations…
Being overweight and being unable to change that, no matter how hard you try?
Your partner having to put up with years of anger, depression, ill-health, lack of spontaneity?
Hearing doctor after doctor tell you they haven’t got a clue as to what triggered the disease or what portion or your pancreas is still functioning?
If you’re a woman, knowing that you might never be able to have a child, as it could be too taxing on your tired body?
Feeling like there’s no hope, no cure, and that you are condemned to live with Diabetes for the rest of your life?
If you've had ENOUGH, then this will be the most important letter you'll ever read.
Here's why.
I’m writing you today because I want to tell you about a breakthrough scientific discovery about Diabetes. If you read it… I promise you'll be immensely rewarded. If you fully understand it, you won't want to miss a single day of your life without it.
Let me explain...
There is new research out for people with Diabetes… that has helped hundreds of people like you slowly… but very effectively… reduce their blood sugar levels.
What are the advantages of that?
- When your blood sugar is lower, it means your body produces more insulin (and this is crucial – more on this in a moment). Most importantly, it means you need less insulin shots or “units”.
- It also means that your Diabetes condition is improving. This means you are slowly decreasing the risk factors of Diabetes, like eye damage, kidney problems or even amputations.
- But most importantly, it means your body is slowly learning to produce insulin on its own again… and for some people, this has “cured” their Diabetes completely.
How is that possible, you ask?
“I thought Diabetes couldn’t be cured?”
You’re right. At least, partially.
With traditional medicine, yes, Diabetes can never be cured. Traditional medicine “fights” Diabetes by injecting insulin into your bloodstream to digest your food into energy. When you don’t have enough insulin in your body, your blood sugars shoot up… but because your body can’t process them it can’t “feed itself”.
This is why Diabetes patients who haven’t been diagnosed yet are often very hungry and thirsty even after a meal (sound familiar?)
But let’s say that your body would produce more insulin on it’s own. What if there was a way to “stimulate” the organ that produces your insulin… to slowly but surely produce a little more on its own each day?
Earn an astonishing $9,547 a day
Earning money through blogging and online is not that much easy. You must know those secrets that how to earn such an astonishing $9,547 a day.
Why Complain About Rising Adwords and Pay Per Click Costs When They Can Make You Rich Instead? Discover the Astonishing traffic story That Has Been Kept Secret.
You’re about to uncover a whole new perspective on internet traffic. It's a stunning new point of view that is only discussed in dark corners of private forums, secret chat sessions or NOT AT ALL.
Pay Per Click Costs are rising at a phenomenal rate. The competition has gotten so heavy in affiliate marketing that even the biggest players have to pay insane prices and survive on razor thin margins.
But instead of shaking your head in anger, you should be chuckling with glee every time prices go up and Google slaps the market. Because you can use the increasing prices and competition to play an entirely different game and grow far richer than you ever imagined!
All these things and following things you can discover from GOOGLE PAY LOAD,
- Buy traffic for less than you could ever imagine
- Make up to 1000% ROI on every penny you inject in your business
- Discover the other kind of PPC page, it’s like the one you know except all they can do is click an ad, which makes YOU money
- Discover the oldest wealth principle in the world. It’s so easy, it happened before the wheel was invented
- How to start profiting instantly: we’re talking hours, not days or weeks
- How to turn a dollar into a Lamborghini
- How to turn traffic on like you flick a cheap lighter
- A system you can scale almost infinitely. Need more money? Do it again…
- The Big Secret Search Engines don’t want you to know
- How a former Radio producer from Brazil paved the way for you to make millions – like he does
- The genius that lies in simplicity (this method is so easy, the light will go off right away)
- 4 tried and tested places where you can get traffic for pennies on the dollar
- A bonus source for the high reward personalities out there (this has the potential to kill your day job tomorrow, if you have the balls for it)
- Another hidden traffic source nobody thinks of – and just like me, you’ll like it that way
- The gap: your new best friend. All will become clear
- How to collect “orphan” visitors for a dime a dozen
- The Geography principle: variety is your friend in a whole new way
- How to spot opportunity in seconds (thousands of honey wells, yours for the taking)
- How to double any amount of money up to 1 million dollars
- The Expectation Rule: a psychological trigger that doubles your response
- How to take advantage of networks that don’t use “Quality Score” : their mistake is your gain…
- How to weed out the clicks that only cost money, before they even happen
- How to qualify your traffic at someone else’s expense
- How to hypnotically draw eyeballs to your ads
- The traffic you can use when your page is “on fire” (when you make this much money on a campaign, you’ll want all the traffic you can get)
- How you can actually make More money with Lower quality traffic
- All of Google’s PPC Secrets: follow them and prosper. Fail to follow them and you will fail.
- How Google can give you traffic for less than a cent a pop
- How to find the best pages to advertise on and DOMINATE them
- Find niches that pay like crazy. Competition is no object, it actually makes you more cash
- Take advantage of complete transparency. You have all their secrets…
- Forget about small outlandish niches. You can swim with the big fish and WIN
- Know instantly which keywords will give you a high yield of cold hard cash: it works on Google and all the other ones. **Hint** : almost everyone does this wrong, including the so-called “gurus…”
- The difference between top bids and middle of the line bids, and where the money REALLY is
- What the Other Big Secret Search Engines don’t tell you: if you don’t know this, you don’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell. It’s what all the big players are taking advantage of and all the little guys don’t even suspect…
- A list of niches where money flows like water over Niagara. Grab your bucket…
- The FREE tool AND my FREE method for exploiting Adsense
- A type of landing page only real players know about (Big time domainers, Black Hats and the others who are on the cutting edge)
- How to decide exactly how much you GET paid per click
- How to run your own search engine and get paid for every result
- The Surf Stopper: Irresistible Eye Candy that forces attention
- How to turn a usually worthless article site into a gold mine
- Exactly what to say to get key partners so they accept and respect you from day one
- Why more is not always better
- Why some sites get MORE money from Google for the SAME click, and how that site can be yours
- What to do with your navigation links so they help you convert instead of distracting your traffic
- The Expectation Principle, Part II: It’s sneaky, it’s greyzone, it converts…
- The perfect page formats that only care about conversions
- My 14 day recipe to a whole new life of online income from home
- The powerful SYSTEM that brings it all together
To know more please CLICK HERE
20 November, 2007
Abacus- 190 AD
Use of the abacus, with its beads in a rack, was first documented in China in about 190 AD. The Chinese version was the speediest way to do sums for centuries and, in the right hands, can still outpace electronic calculators.
Aspirin- 1899
Little tablets of acetylsalicylic acid have probably cured more minor ills than any other medicine. Hippocrates was the first to realise the healing power of the substance. At the turn-of-the-century, German chemist Felix Hoffman perfected the remedy.
Barbed wire- 1873
The world's most divisive invention was conceived not to keep people in or out, but cows.
Barcode- 1973
Barcodes were conceived as a kind of visual Morse code by a Philadelphia student in 1952. Now, black stripes have appeared on almost everything we buy.
Battery- 1800
In 1780s, Italian physicist Luigi Galvani discovered that a dead frog's leg would twitch when he touched it with two pieces of metal. His friend, professor Alessandro Volta made the first battery which were voltaic cells stacked in a Voltaic pile.
Bicycle- 1861
First devised as a gentleman’s plaything in the 1820s, the push-powered hobby-horse quickly evolved to become the most classless form of transport.
Bra- 1913
New York socialite Mary Phelps Jacob is widely considered to be the inventor of the modern bra, which she devised as an alternative to unsightly corsets.
Button- 1235
Ancient Greeks fastened tunics using crude buttons and loops, but it took the buttonhole to popularise the little discs of perforated plastic that adorn our clothes today.
Condom- 1640
Egyptians donned them 3,000 years ago and the 16th-century Italian gynaecologist Gabriele Falloppio first advocated their use to prevent the spread of disease.
Fridge- 1834
Jacob Perkins was the first to describe how pipes filled with volatile chemicals whose molecules evaporated very easily could keep food cool.
Gun- 14th century
Gunpowder led to the creation of the cannon in the 13th century. The biggest step that led to the modern gun was Smith and Wesson’s metal-cased cartridge, first fired in 1857.
Internal combustion engine- 1859
Credit for the first working internal combustion engine goes to the Belgian inventor Étienne Lenoir, who converted a steam engine in 1859. It spawned the billions of engines that have been built since.
Laser- 1960
Physicist Theodore Maiman built the first working laser in 1960. His device was based around a ruby crystal that emitted light "brighter than the centre of the sun".
Light bulb- 1848
Joseph Swan in fact developed a bulb before Edison, but the pair later joined forces and today share credit for creating the gadget we perhaps take for granted more than any other.
Locks- 2000 BC
Egyptians were the first to put things under lock and key about 4,000 years ago .
Microchip- 1958
US engineer Jack Kilby built the world's first monolithic integrated circuit, or microchip that changed the world of computing.
Mobile phone- 1947
The first mobile phone service was introduced by Bell Laboratories in Missouri in 1947.
Paper- 105 AD
The Chinese began using bark, bamboo fibres, hemp and flax to mill the first reams almost 2,000 years ago, but it took centuries for paper to envelop the world.
Steve Jobs, whose Apple II, launched in 1977, was the first consumer PC to resemble the machines that went on to transform our lives.
Printing press- 1454
The Chinese were the world's first printers – they practised block printing as early as 500 AD – but a German goldsmith called Johannes Gutenberg was the first to construct a press.
Radio- 1895
Alexander Popov, a Russian, and the Italian-Irish inventor Guglielmo Marconi, separately sent and received the first radio waves. Marconi sent the first transatlantic radio message (three dots for the letter 'S') in 1901.
Telephone- 1876
Elisha Gray and Alexander Graham Bell raced to make the first working phone in the 1870s, Bell winning in a photo-finish.
Television- 1925
Scotsman John Logie Baird first demonstrated TV to the public in 1925.
Conceived by the US Department of Defense in the 1960s, the internet, together with the World Wide Web, invented in 1989 by Brit techie, Tim Berners-Lee, has shrunk the world like no other invention.
The Match- 1826
The Stockholm-based chemist John Walker was the first to discover that when a stick coated in potassium chlorate and antimony sulphide was brushed across stone, it created a flame.
The Pill- 1951
The contraceptive pill was developed by a team headed by Carl Djerassi, a chemist, in 1951, but wasn't marketed in the UK until 1962.
Wheel- 3500 BC
The wheel surely deserves a place near the top of any "greatest inventions" list. The earliest evidence of a wheel – a pictograph from Sumeria (modern day Iraq) – dates back to 3500 BC; the device rolled West soon after that.
Zip- 1913
Credit for the device's invention goes to Gideon Sundback. In 1913, the Swedish engineer made the first modern zip to fasten high boots.
Honourable mentions:
Bow and arrow- 30,000 BC, CD- 1965, Cardiac pacemaker- 1958, Credit card- 1950, Drum- 12,000 BC, Dynamite- 1867, Fish hook- 30,000 BC, GPS- 1978, iPod- 2001, Kettle- 1891, Microscope- 1590, Plough- AD 100, Rubber band- 1845, Sewing machine- 1830, Spectacles- 1451, Syringe- 1844, Telescope- 1608, Umbrell- 2400 BC, Walkman- 1979, Weighing scales- 5000 BC.
So good for General Knowledge also.
Source : Times of India dt. 18-11-2007
13 November, 2007
You can retain your same mobile number
NEW DELHI: Come 2008, you will be able to retain your number even if you were to change your mobile operator. Communications minister A Raja on Monday announced that the government had approved the introduction of mobile number portability (MNP), which gives cellphone users the freedom to choose their service provider while retaining their numbers. “We will first introduce number portability in the four metros — Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai. In the next phase, it will be extended to more parts of the country. The modalities will be announced after due consultations with Trai,” Mr Raja said. Market surveys have shown that up to 50% of all mobile users in India are unhappy with their operator, and are willing to switch to another service provider if allowed to retain their number. Number portability has so far been introduced in Australia, Korea, Japan, Canada, the US, the UK, most of Europe and Pakistan, among other countries. According to reports, its introduction has been followed by up to 50% subscribers switching operators in some of these countries. Though Trai has been pushing for number portability since March 2006, the recent tariff hikes by some service providers despite stiff opposition from the regulator and telecom minister A Raja acted as the final trigger for DoT to approve the introduction of MNP and set the process in motion, sources said. Immediately after the recent round of tariff hikes, ET had first reported that the government was set to introduce number portability. Even as CDMA-based operators welcomed DoT’s move and said the introduction of MNP was an important tool for ensuring competition and improved quality of services, the Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI), the body representing GSM players said the “industry felt MNP was being introduced to benefit a select operator desirous of entering the GSM segment and thereafter poaching on the subscribers of existing GSM players.” While COAI’s director general TV Ramachandran refused to name this “select operator”, it is understood that he was referring to Reliance Communications, which had recently obtained the government’s approval to offer GSM services. He also demanded that this facility be extended to all fixed line customers. The DoT’s move is in line with the recommendations of telecom regulator Trai. DoT, in a statement, said all mobile operators, through a neutral third party, shall establish a “logically centralised database, the cost of which would be borne proportionately by the telcos.” This implies, a telecom company that has 20% market share in the circle, will bear 20% of the cost of creating the centralised data base. All that the customer has to do is approach the recipient operator for porting the number, the DoT said. The DoT also clarified that cost of upgrading the mobile networks to allow number portability would be borne by the operators. Issues related to tariffs will be decided by Trai after “consultations and also considering the cost aspects of different solutions,” DoT added. The introduction of MNP will result in a significant churn in the telecom market and is likely to impact incumbents and well-entrenched bigger players the most. MNP is likely to hit the bottomlines of all operators as its implementation will increase the costs of retaining one’s subscribers. Service providers may be forced to introduce a series of incentivised schemes to tie down their subscribers. |
04 November, 2007
Amazon Unbox is a video download store that has thousands of high quality TV shows, movies and more for you and for your familty to purchase or rent. One can view these downloadable videos on PCs, Portable Media Players, or TiVo DVRs.
The Amazon Unbox selection has grown significantly over the past several months, with top TV shows from NBC, CBS, Fox, Showtime, Starz, the WB, and more. The Amzon unbox movie downloads are released at the same time as DVD, so you can buy hit movies like Spider-Man 3 or Fantastic Four: Silver Surfer as soon as they are available on In addition, the Unbox 2.0 client is now available with reduced download times and increased performance.
Just log on above the Unbox Video and discove the movies of your choice and download it.After downloading you can watch these movies on your PC or portable device or even TV.
7 ways to generate money from your website or blog
This is a million dolor enthusiam people are having when they launch or publish their website. Any how earning money is not that much easy as you think.
However following tips may earn you a lot of money provided if you work for atleast two to three hours a day.
1) Always think of a good titles and must be attractive with good content.
2) What you write you must know well. If you are copying any articles, mention it.
3) Open account with Adsense and choose the right content. Also choose referels from Adsense. There are thousands of products to choose from.
Google Adsense is an advertising medium that works via (PPC) Pay-Per-Click. So, whenever a persons visits your blog/website and if that/every person that clicks on your ad, which is displayed on your site. You are reward with an amount of money; each amount varies on what you’re advertising and who you’re advertising for. The most beautiful thing is that Google itself will decide automatically that what kind of Ad to be displayed on your site as per your content or article or post. (So keep in mind write good articles.
4)ClickBank: This kind of method works exactly the same as Commission Junction,if you know one, you are paid on commission per each sale made through your website.. The only difference between these two is that Commission Junction allows you to basically sell any kind of product. Thismay be any product that can be used online, or at home or office. Whereas, ClickBank only allows you to sell information/digital products (products that can only be used on a computer). Also, unlike Commission Junction, ClickBank does not offer banners to help you sell the product.
5) Commission Junction: Now, this is a very very effective way to generate a great income. How it works is simple, you apply for the program, chose a publisher. Then display their ads on your site. It works best if you’re advertising something that fits with the theme of your site. So, say your site was based around travel, then you’d advertise a travel site/company. That being said, this method works by commission. You are rewarded for each user that signs up for a service or buys a product/item after having clicked on your ads.
Once a user has clicked on your ad, you’ll be rewarded with a commission; each commission varies via who you advertise and what the user buys. Now, the beauty of Commission junction is; whoever you advertise, they gives you free banners/text ads for you to display on your site. This makes selling their items extremely easy as well as almost effortless on your behalf. One thing you must know is that you do not get pay-per-click and users are less inclined to buy a product opposed to clicking on an ad.
6) Subscribe to feed burner i.e.
7) Whenever visit a blog or website, click atleast two ads by googles displayed on their site. This I want you to do because what you give is what you get back. Whenever I vist a site I click atlease one ad of my choice. If you find any interesting ads, you may clikc here also.
Try and found these 7 types of tips and you may generate good income in future.
Wish you all best of luck